Star wars special modifications pdf
Star wars special modifications pdf

star wars special modifications pdf star wars special modifications pdf

Overall, Wookiees are excellent units when balanced by others who can compensate for their failings. As long as they're proficient with rifles, they also gain automatic handling of the bowcaster (Chewbacca's weapon of choice). They also regain hit points at twice the normal rate, can take 10 on climb checks even when threatened, and may reroll persuasion checks used for intimidation, but have to accept the new result. Still, Wookiees can once per day fly into a rage (as a swift action), which grants +2 to melee attack and damage rolls, further increasing their physical dominance. That said, you have three -2 penalties, so your overall stat adjustments balance out. Combined with +2 Constitution, they make excellent melee warriors, so give them lightsabers or vibroblades. The most dynamic of all races, Wookiees are the only species to have a +4 in anything, accounting for their colossal strength. Move -1 on condition track when rage ends

star wars special modifications pdf

Thus, be careful when rolling those pesky natural ones (automatic misses), as not only will your action fail, your GM might elect to have your devices sustain damage be sure to carry spares.Īre knowledgeable of but cannot physically speak Basic However, Kel Dor must wear protective goggles and a special breath mask outside their home planet if they don't, they're considered blind and start suffocating. Additionally, Kel Dor have Low-Light Vision, letting them ignore partial concealment due to darkness, and they have a keen Force Sense, letting them reroll Use the Force checks made to sense the Force, keeping the better result! They suffer a -2 stat boost to Constitution, which lowers their overall health, but gain +2 in dexterity (for dodging and firing ranged weapons) and Wisdom (for Force powers and intuition).

star wars special modifications pdf

Every race knows the default Basic language, but like many aliens, Kel Dor (think Plo Koon from the prequels) also naturally learn their native tongue.

Star wars special modifications pdf